Software development

Layers, Onions, Hexagons And The Folly Of Application

You probably already guessed where does this name come from. This architecture was created inspired by the DDD principles and Dependency Inversion principle. You may have noticed that each next architecture we review has more layers and is more detailed itself, but the main ideas stay the same.

onion architecture vs clean architecture

Each one of them points inwards towards the use cases. The overriding rule that makes this architecture work is The Dependency Rule. This rule says that source code dependencies can only point inwards. Nothing in an inner circle can know anything at all about something in an outer circle. In particular, the name of something declared in an outer circle must not be mentioned by the code in the an inner circle. The flow of control in the corner shows how each object within the system has 3 parts.

The Main Rule

Yet when you change the code in one package, it has no effect on the code in any of the other packages. But this post is about how to structure your solution. Clean architecture is one of the patterns which can be applied in monolith and microservice.

This concept was implemented in a lot of programming languages. I got interested in this topic a few years ago after I had experienced problems with scaling one of my project. I started to study it greater details and found a lot of great concepts that make a software architecture cleaner. Another external layer is the Infrastructure Layer that implements Data Access, Dependency Injection Framework and other frameworks specifics. In this example we have multiple data access implementations.

To understand why the Clean Architecture is better than other existing architectures, we need to look at the way how different software architectures evolved. We will discuss several most popular architecture groups. Adhering to the principles like Separation of Concerns, DDD, SOLID, abstraction, etc., brings some overhead as a result your codebase size can increase dramatically. This limitation is particularly relevant for embedded applications. Usually most embedded applications are written considering performance and robustness in the first place. In the DDD age, we have patterns to describe the business rules with Entities, Value Objects, Aggregates, Domain Services and so on.

  • When any of the external parts of the system become obsolete, like the database, or the web framework, you can replace those obsolete elements with a minimum of fuss.
  • A whole application domain layer is split into smaller ones.
  • None of these concerns are addressed by layered architecture.
  • Have you ever had a model class with more than 10 properties, due to the same name used for different concerns in the application.
  • The business rules can be tested without the UI, Database, Web Server, or any other external element.
  • In fact, some tutorials online present the following simplistic folder structure as how to implement Clean Architecture.

To be a good architect you should make important decisions yourself instead of following how-to guides. Every project is unique and requires a distinct approach. I think, this is great to be aware of different architectures and approaches, this will help you to find weak and strong points of them and as a result define an architecture for a specific project. Of course, do not forget to follow best practices like Separation of Concerns, Inversion of Control and keep your codebase clean and maintainable. The next and the last architecture I want to cover in this article is the Onion Architecture.

Step 7: Build And Run Application

Working with incomplete data often leads to an incomplete understanding. Whenever you talk to others about clean architecture, make sure you are able to provide all three images, to reduce confusion. If you wish to learn more about various architecture techniques and when to use them, join us or follow this blog. The second image is how we organize our files and packages into business domains, so developers know exactly where to go when making a change.

Your boss has just ran into your room yelling, that we need an iOS app as soon as possible, since our competitors has just released their iOS client application. You may wonder why I am talking about this and how do you relate to all these business processes. You need to be productive as a developer to satisfy all new requirements as quickly as possible, this will make you an undoubtedly valuable expert. It requires rapid responses to new challenges and be able to remain competitive in your area.

The number of layers in the application core will vary, but remember that the Domain Model is the very center, and since all coupling is toward the center, the Domain Model is only coupled to itself. The first layer around the Domain Model is typically where we would find interfaces that provide object saving and retrieving behavior, called repository interfaces. The object saving behavior is not in the application core, however, because it typically involves a database.

Application Layer

It is very important to have understand all terms in a specific business domain, because there a lot of words that have different meanings depending on the context they are used in . This language should be based on the business domain. The Ubiquitous language is like a link between you and domain experts/stakeholders. It helps to eliminate contradictions during the project lifecycle. Now everything is up to you or your colleges, how quick could you respond to new changes. If you are going to develop the iOS app as well, then the main question how much time do you need to implement all business and domain cases in the iOS app.

onion architecture vs clean architecture

The focus of developers was moved from the Database layer to the Business layer and solving business problems in general. To answer this questions follow this question-answer chain. To be on the same wavelength, we need to understand the difference between a layer and a tier in the context of software development.

Entities and use cases are the core of an application. These layers are the most important when we are talking about an architecture. And these layers should not be affected by changes in “detail layers”. Adapters providing implementations of frameworks, data access and UI. Similarly, data is converted, in this layer, from the form most convenient for entities and use cases, into the form most convenient for whatever persistence framework is being used.

Layers, Onions, Hexagons And The Folly Of Application

One essential thing in any architecture are the directions of dependencies, how do each layer depends on another. Let me explain what do these arrows mean in real code. The Presentation layer imports classes or modules from the Business layer, in it’s turn the Business layer depends on the Data layer. In a programming language dependencies are mostly represented via using, import, include, require statements. But the last thing I want to address is the term “Database centric”.

No code inward of this circle should know anything at all about the database. If the database is a SQL database, then all the SQL should be restricted to this layer, and in particular to the parts of this layer that have to do with the database. We do, however, expect that changes to the operation of the application will affect the use-cases and therefore the software in this layer.

There is a common misconception that this diagram sums up all the main points of the architectural pattern. Using this diagram alone, the naïve and simple implementation of this is to create a folder structure matching the high-level layers. In fact, some tutorials online present the following simplistic folder structure as how to implement Clean Architecture.

onion architecture vs clean architecture

The Presentation layer SHOULD only know about the Application or DomainModel layers and nothing about the Infrastructure one. Multiple small Domain Model components/services SHOULD be used instead of having large Use Case classes. This layer MUST NOT have interaction with the outside world or any other layer. That means that code from the other layers MUST NOT be used here. Moreover, always remember to design you ports and adapters in the right way, at least ensure they are usable.

Notice how all the red arrows move in one direction. Generic design approaches tend to be optimised for a very small number of requests in the system. This whiteapp contains following Onion Architecture in Development features, uncheck feature need to implement yet. My name is Paweł Pindel, experienced .NET developer, Microsoft Technologies enthusiast and software development addict.

Application Layer Rules

As a result we began from creating tables and relations… And continued to create triggers, stored procedures implementing business logic of a problem domain directly in a DBMS. Database centric principles are still widely used by developers while building applications and systems. We have a lot of legacy systems still running in production, that are really hard to extend and maintain. A few years later after the article was published, this idea become a hot topic for discussions and a lot of new articles and blog posts were published.

It has the input port, the output port, and the interactor that converts the two. These parts can be interfaces or objects or properties, depending on the complexity, language, and level of abstraction, but all cross-boundary communication happens in these ports. This ensures that the code in any particular layer knows nothing about code in the other layers. It’s worth stressing that these patterns are still useful within individual service implementations. Repositories are a great abstraction that separate data processing code from the underlying data access technology.

In case your colleague will develop the iOS app, they should spend some time understanding you code and overall architecture. Typically the data that crosses the boundaries is simple data structures. You can use basic structs or simple Data Transfer objects if you like. Or the data can simply be arguments in function calls. Or you can pack it into a hashmap, or construct it into an object. The important thing is that isolated, simple, data structures are passed across the boundaries.


The application layer is where all our application features or “use cases” live. In the Onion Architecture, the dependencies are always pointing inwards. The inner layer is the Domain Model and the outer one is the Infrastructure layer, which takes care of communicating with the external world. Honestly, it’s not completely new, but I’m proposing it as a named, architectural pattern.

I’ve spoken several times about a specific type of architecture I call “Onion Architecture”. I’ve found that it leads to more maintainable applications since it emphasizes separation of concerns throughout the system. I must set the context for the use of this architecture before proceeding. This architecture is not appropriate for small websites. It is appropriate for long-lived business applications as well as applications with complex behavior. It emphasizes the use of interfaces for behavior contracts, and it forces the externalization of infrastructure.

How Do The Ddd Principles Relate To Domain

Though these architectures all vary somewhat in their details, they are very similar. They all have the same objective, which is the separation of concerns. They all achieve this separation by dividing the software into layers.

Each has at least one layer for business rules, and another for interfaces. For example, establishing a common domain model to encapsulate all the business rules in one place sounds like a convenient way of organising processing logic. Over time any single implementation will struggle to meet the scale requirements of both large-scale data ingestion, tactical reporting and responsive interfaces. The biggest offender is the coupling of UI and business logic to data access.

Each layer is coupled to the layers below it, and each layer is often coupled to various infrastructure concerns. However, without coupling, our systems wouldn’t do anything useful, but this architecture creates unnecessary coupling. In the very center we see the Domain Model, which represents the state and behavior combination that models truth for the organization. Around the Domain Model are other layers with more behavior.


Allan Tsao